Hornsey Vale Community Association has a range of policies in place governing the way our charity operates. We try to work within best practice guidelines at all times and we are committed to continuous improvement. We summarise some of our key policies here. With a legitimate interest, you can make a request to see a policy at any time.
If you have a concern about how the operations of HVCA affect you, please contact us – an introduction to our complaints procedure is at the bottom of this page.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Hornsey Vale Community Association is committed to creating a culture in which diversity, inclusion and equality of opportunity are promoted pro-actively, and in which discrimination is not tolerated. HVCA recognises the real and significant benefits of having a diverse and inclusive community of staff, volunteers, Trustees and Centre users, and is working towards building and maintaining an environment in which the values of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion are embedded in, and shared across, our charity. The aim of our policy is to ensure that in carrying out its activities, HVCA will have due regard to promoting equality of opportunity, diversity and inclusion, promoting good relations between people of diverse backgrounds, and eliminating unlawful discrimination.
Safeguarding Policies
We are committed to supporting the right of children and vulnerable adults to be protected from abuse and to making sure all staff and volunteers work together, in line with Haringey local safeguarding policies. We recognise our legal duties as a charity to protect children and vulnerable adults who use our Centre.
Privacy Policy
We will look after any personal information that you share with us and will only use it in the ways we need to, and that is expected of us. Our privacy statement is set out in full on our website and explains the types of personal data we may collect about you when you become involved with Hornsey Vale. It tells you what our lawful bases are for processing this data, which justify why and how we collect the data. It also explains how we’ll store and handle that data, and keep it safe. Personal data is held and processed by Hornsey Vale in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018.
Environmental policy
We recognise that global climate change has serious consequences and believe that even small organisations like ours must have a clear and embedded focus on environmental issues to redress the negative impact of climate change.
We try to work with an awareness of our environmental responsibilities and to reduce our carbon footprint. We are committed to minimising waste, working towards maximum energy efficiency, and to re-using and recycling resources. Our Environmental Policy sets out how we put this commitment into practice.
Complaints Procedure
Hornsey Vale Community Association strives to deliver high quality services, to meet the needs of Centre visitors, volunteers, users, and members of the public. Our Complaints Procedure operates across all aspects of our work. It applies to any formal or informal matter of concern expressed verbally or in writing.
Hornsey Vale welcomes feedback from those using our services and taking part in projects when the services provided have not met expectations or needs. We are always pleased to hear your views so that we can take steps to make our services and projects better. We hope to learn and develop when things have not gone as well as we would hope. As a first step in making a complaint we ask you to call or email our Administrator: 020 8348 4612 ; info@hornseyvale.org who will try to resolve it. If this isn’t possible, the Administrator will escalate the complaint to Trustees. A feedback/complaint form is available on request.