
Mixed group of people in a Zumba dance class in the Hornsey Vale Gym

Building a business, and a community through dance

For our latest newsletter on the theme of entrepreneurism, local journalist Telma Marotto spoke to Zumba instructor Sabrina Zigault about her success. Doing what you love and making money out of it may sound like a distant dream for many. It was no different for Sabrina Zigault, until she decided to …

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Group of artists at easels in the Main Hall

Taking the leap to becoming an entrepreneur

Several entrepreneurs use the Hornsey Vale Community Centre to run their small businesses. We spoke to two long-time hirers, Janitzio Moreno of Pantera Taekwon-Do, and Julia Colmenares of N8 Nu Arts, for their advice on taking the leap to work on their passions fulltime and invite the community to join in.  What …

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