If Hornsey Vale’s final Lunch Club for 2022 went off with a festive bang, the 2023 lunch was all steel pans and dance!
The return to ‘normality’ over the last year was evidenced by the guest numbers: we served 65 guests (plus volunteers), easily our largest Lunch Club since the start of the pandemic.
Once again, a fabulous traditional Christmas feast was prepared by chef Clare (including her wonderful home-made Christmas pudding with custard).

The lunch was a genuine community effort. Our team of regular volunteers was bolstered by additional volunteer help on the day. Thank you to Theodora, Annette, Ros, Lynne and Pauline for their hard work from serving up to washing the last fork, and Emma for running around co-ordinating the lot! Two of our regular guests, Mary Q and Mary D, kindly donated a beautiful hamper and collection of prizes for us to raffle—congratulations to Rupert, who won the hamper.

Finally, one of our most dedicated guests, Regina, surprised everyone by organising for the Whittington Steel Band to come and entertain us. The gorgeous sounds of the steel pans soon got many of the guests up and dancing—an unexpected joy. Thank you Regina!

Click through our slideshow below for more images of this fun day:
Thank you to everyone who’s supported our lunch clubs in 2023, whether as a guest, a volunteer or a chef: we look forward to seeing you all next year.
We return for 2024 on Wednesday 7 February. Bookings are essential to help us plan. To further prevent food waste and give everyone the chance to attend, we’re looking to revise costs and bookings for 2024, so please watch this space—and your email inbox if you are on our Lunch Club mailing list—for more info.